Used Oil Program

UPDATE: As of September 1, 2018, MANY Used Oil collection sites will take spent antifreeze and used oil filters. Please check our Used Oil Collection Site page at for details.
Oil Pollution Dangers
The illegal disposal of used motor oil impacts the environment in numerous ways. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency reports that used oil accounts for approximately 40% of the pollution found in rivers and streams. In fact, just one gallon of used oil can ruin one million gallons of fresh water – a year’s supply for 50 people. It can also release toxic metals including lead, cadmium, and arsenic into the environment. Not only is improper disposal against the law, it puts our environment and our health at risk.
Used Oil Collection and Reuse Program
In 1994 the Nebraska legislature passed LB1257 banning motor oil from state landfills. With an estimated 5 million gallons generated in rural Nebraska each year, access to proper disposal became a pressing concern. In response, Keep Nebraska Beautiful worked with local and county officials across the state to develop a solution – the Used Oil Collection Program.
Since 2000 the program has placed collection tanks in 67 counties from Richardson to Dawes, and is sustained through the collective sale of the material for use in asphalt production. To date, the program has seen more than 2.85 million gallons collected statewide, for an estimated hazardous waste disposal savings of some $251,000. While many site contacts are affiliated with a particular community, please note that, ALL county residents are welcome.
Take Action
Collect used oil in clean, empty, and resealable containers. Make sure to avoid any contamination of water, antifreeze, or other materials. Once collected, take uncontaminated used oil to your county collection facility. See our list of used oil collection sites to find the one in your county.
Acceptable Items:
- Spent oil from gasoline and diesel engines
- Spent refrigerant lubricating oil
- Spent lubricating oil from aircraft reciprocating and jet engines
- Spent hydraulic fluid
- Spent heater transfer fluids
- Spent transmission fluid
- Cutting oils
- Spent antifreeze
- Used oil filters
Unacceptable Items:
- Brake fluid
- Solvents of any kind
- Any used oil with water
Program Participants may click here for quarterly reporting.